
Accommodation classification in Kiribati ranges from Hotels, Apartment Hotels, Bungalows, Guesthouses and Home & Community Stays. There are no high end luxury accommodation available in Kiribati. To help visitors select accommodation; Kiribati uses a minimum standards accommodation classification program called the “Mauri Mark Standards” to categorize accommodations by type and grade (coconut rating) as opposed to the star rating. The Mauri Standards classifies accommodation in terms of their type of facilities and services, – in general basic cleanliness and general state of maintenance is a requirement to meet the minimum standards requirement of the Kiribati Tourism Mauri Mark standards.

Accommodation on the outer islands are generally in the form of traditional Kiribati style island bungalows or ‘buias.’ which are basic and rustic but provide an interesting opportunity to experiencing life the Kiribati way without modern conveniences. For more information on Accommodation in Kiribati, please go to our Accommodation section.

Airports (International & Domestics)

There are 2 international airports in Kiribati; Bonriki International Airport located at Bonriki on South Tarawa of the Gilberts Islands Group; and Cassidy International Airport located at Cassidy on Kiritimati Island of the Line Islands Group.

Bank, Currency & Money Services

Currency & Foreign Exchange: Kiribati uses the Australian dollars (AUD$). Notes: $5, $10, $20, $50, $100. Coins: 5c, 10c, 20c, 50c, $1, $2. Major currencies can be exchanged at ANZ Bank and at some hotels and shops.

 Bank: The ANZ Bank of the Australian & New Zealand banking group is the only commercial bank in Kiribati. The Bank is located in Bairiki at TK Plaza. Opening hours are from 9am to 3pm. P: (686) 75021095

 Credit / Debit Cards: VISA and Master Card can be used in the capital South Tarawa only where EFTPOS and ATM facilities are available. You will not be able to use credit cards on most outer islands. Online credit card payments from overseas is not available at this time.
 ATMs: ANZ BANK ATMs machines are only accessible in the capital South Tarawa and Kiritimati has only one (1) ATM. ATMs are not available in North Tarawa and the outer islands, hence it is encouraged you bring cash when travelling to an outer island.
 EFTPOS: Is limited and is available at some of the hotels and major shops in South Tarawa. There is no EFTPOS on Kiritimati island and the outer islands.
 Western Union Money Transfer: WU outlet is situated inside the Coral Ace Supermarket at Bairiki Super Mall in Bairiki and at Coral Ace shop in Abarao on South Tarawa.

Business Hours

Business hours are generally Mon to Fri, 8 am to 4:15 pm. Government offices are closed on weekends and during national holidays. Shopping hours are generally Monday to Saturday 7am to 8pm/9pm. Half days or closed on Sundays.

Communications & Internet

Country Code: (686)
Internet: Internet service is available in Kiribati especially on Tarawa and Kiritimati Island. On the outer islands internet access is limited and may only be available from the local government stations (or Island Council offices). Internet data plans are also available from ATHKL ( or Ocean Link, both ISPs are based in the capital South Tarawa.
Telecommunications: 2G to 4G network work in Kiribati and on some outer islands. HF radio also still serves as the means of communications used on the outer islands.  SIM cards cost around $3 and are available from ATHKL and Ocean Link.  ATHKL Phone Directory: please visit website: