P.O Box 479, Takoronga, Betio, Tarawa. Republic of Kiribati

Mauri Way

The Mauri Way will involve customer service awareness and training for employees from the tourism and other related stakeholders. TAK will deliver these training through selected partners twice a year. Targeted participants for the Mauri Way program will include airport baggage handlers, immigration officers, airport security officers, hotel and restaurant employees, shop attendants, other related industry employees.

Participants that complete this training will be issued with a certificate and a Mauri Way Ambassador pin which can be worn with their uniform to indicate their commitment to delivering quality customer services. Refresher courses can be done for Mauri Way Ambassadors as the request of their employer.

Who monitors the Mauri Mark?
TAK in close collaboration with the Industry Partners will manage the Mauri Mark program.

Tourism Inspectors appointed by the TAK will undertake all inspection activities under this program and will also manage and attend to customer feedback on the program.

The overall responsibility of the implementation of the Mauri Mark program will remain with TAK.

Customer Feedback
The Mauri Mark program values and welcomes customer feedback that will help Kiribati improve as a tourism destination. Customer complaints will be given the necessary attention and will be responded to in a timely manner by TAK following consultation with the operator concerned.

Customer feedback forms will be available on the TAK website and printed copies can be obtained from the TAK offices in South Tarawa and Kiritimati. Travellers can also send their Mauri Mark experience feedback to

Promotion of the Program
Mauri Mark certified operators will enjoy marketing and promotional opportunities through the TAK network. TAK will promote the Mauri Mark program via its website and other promotional materials. Operators are encouraged also to display the Mauri Mark logo on their promotional material to indicate commitment to safety, security, and quality customer services.

How will it be administered?
The program will be managed by the Tourism Authority of Kiribati through its inspectors in consultation with industry partners. The Product and Development Unit will be responsible to provide advice and support on the program as well as the key liaison officer with the industry.

Contact information
Tourism Authority of Kiribati
PO Box 479, Tabon Takoronga
Betio Tarawa, Republic of Kiribati.

Phone: (686) 75125998